Monday, September 30, 2019

Chapter 29 The Dream

It comes down to this,† said Hermione, rubbing her forehead. â€Å"Either Mr. Crouch attacked Viktor, or somebody else attacked both of them when Viktor wasn't looking.† â€Å"It must've been Crouch,† said Ron at once. â€Å"That's why he was gone when Harry and Dumbledore got there. He'd done a runner.† â€Å"I don't think so,† said Harry, shaking his head. â€Å"He seemed really weak – I don't reckon he was up to Disapparating or anything.† â€Å"You can't Disapparate on the Hogwarts grounds, haven't I told you enough times?† said Hermione. â€Å"Okay†¦hows this for a theory,† said Ron excitedly. â€Å"Krum attacked Crouch – no, wait for it – and then Stunned himself!† â€Å"And Mr. Crouch evaporated, did he?† said Hermione coldly. â€Å"Oh yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was daybreak. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had crept out of their dormitories very early and hurried up to the Owlery together to send a note to Sirius. Now they were standing looking out at the misty grounds. All three of them were puffy-eyed and pale because they had been talking late into the night about Mr. Crouch. â€Å"Just go through it again, Harry,† said Hermione. â€Å"What did Mr. Crouch actually say?† â€Å"I've told you, he wasn't making much sense,† said Harry. â€Å"He said he wanted to warn Dumbledore about something. He definitely mentioned Bertha Jorkins, and he seemed to think she was dead. He kept saying stuff was his fault†¦.He mentioned his son.† â€Å"Well, that was his fault,† said Hermione testily. â€Å"He was out of his mind,† said Harry. â€Å"Half the time he seemed to think his wife and son were still alive, and he kept talking to Percy about work and giving him instructions.† â€Å"And†¦remind me what he said about You-Know-Who?† said Ron tentatively. â€Å"I've told you,† Harry repeated dully. â€Å"He said he's getting stronger.† There was a pause. Then Ron said in a falsely confident voice, â€Å"But he was out of his mind, like you said, so half of it was probably just raving†¦.† â€Å"He was sanest when he was trying to talk about Voldemort,† said Harry, and Ron winced at the sound of the name. â€Å"He was having real trouble stringing two words together, but that was when he seemed to know where he was, and know what he wanted to do. He just kept saying he had to see Dumbledore.† Harry turned away from the window and stared up into the rafters. The many perches were half-empty; every now and then, another owl would swoop in through one of the windows, returning from its night's hunting with a mouse in its beak. â€Å"If Snape hadn't held me up,† Harry said bitterly, â€Å"we might've got there in time. ‘The headmaster is busy. Potter†¦what's this rubbish, Potter?' Why couldn't he have just got out of the way?† â€Å"Maybe he didn't want you to get there!† said Ron quickly. â€Å"Maybe – hang on – how fast d'you reckon he could've gotten down to the forest? D'you reckon he could've beaten you and Dumbledore there?† â€Å"Not unless he can turn himself into a bat or something,† said Harry. â€Å"Wouldn't put it past him,† Ron muttered. â€Å"We need to see Professor Moody,† said Hermione. â€Å"We need to find out whether he found Mr. Crouch.† â€Å"If he had the Marauder's Map on him, it would've been easy,† said Harry. â€Å"Unless Crouch was already outside the grounds,† said Ron, â€Å"because it only shows up to the boundaries, doesn't -â€Å" â€Å"Shh!† said Hermione suddenly. Somebody was climbing the steps up to the Owlery. Harry could hear two voices arguing, coming closer and closer. â€Å"- that's blackmail, that is, we could get into a lot of trouble for that-â€Å" â€Å"- we've tried being polite; it's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did -â€Å" â€Å"I'm telling you, if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!† â€Å"Yeah, and you won't be complaining if we get a nice fat payoff, will you?† The Owlery door banged open. Fred and George came over the threshold, then froze at the sight of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. â€Å"What're you doing here?† Ron and Fred said at the same time. â€Å"Sending a letter,† said Harry and George in unison. â€Å"What, at this time?† said Hermione and Fred. Fred grinned. â€Å"Fine – we won't ask you what you're doing, if you don't ask us,† he said. He was holding a sealed envelope in his hands. Harry glanced at it, but Fred, whether accidentally or on purpose, shifted his hand so that the name on it was covered. â€Å"Well, don't let us hold you up,† Fred said, making a mock bow and pointing at the door. Ron didn't move. â€Å"Who're you blackmailing?† he said. The grin vanished from Fred's face. Harry saw George half glance at Fred, before smiling at Ron. â€Å"Don't be stupid, I was only joking,† he said easily. â€Å"Didn't sound like that,† said Ron. Fred and George looked at each other. Then Fred said abruptly, â€Å"I've told you before, Ron, keep your nose out if you like it the shape it is. Can't see why you would, but -â€Å" â€Å"It's my business if you're blackmailing someone,† said Ron. â€Å"George's right, you could end up in serious trouble for that.† â€Å"Told you, I was joking,† said George. He walked over to Fred, pulled the letter out of his hands, and began attaching it to the leg of the nearest barn owl. â€Å"You're starting to sound a bit like our dear older brother, you are, Ron. Carry on like this and you'll be made a prefect.† â€Å"No, I won't!† said Ron hotly. George carried the barn owl over to the window and it took off. George turned around and grinned at Ron. â€Å"Well, stop telling people what to do then. See you later.† He and Fred left the Owlery. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared at one another. â€Å"You don't think they know something about all this, do you?† Hermione whispered. â€Å"About Crouch and everything?† â€Å"No,† said Harry. â€Å"If it was something that serious, they'd tell someone. They'd tell Dumbledore.† Ron, however, was looking uncomfortable. â€Å"What's the matter?† Hermione asked him. â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  said Ron slowly, â€Å"I dunno if they would. They're†¦they're obsessed with making money lately, I noticed it when I was hanging around with them – when – you know -â€Å" â€Å"We weren't talking.† Harry finished the sentence for him. â€Å"Yeah, but blackmail†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It's this joke shop idea they've got,† said Ron. â€Å"I thought they were only saying it to annoy Mum, but they really mean it, they want to start one. They've only got a year left at Hogwarts, they keep going on about how it's time to think about their future, and Dad can't help them, and they need gold to get started.† Hermione was looking uncomfortable now. â€Å"Yes, but†¦they wouldn't do anything against the law to get gold.† â€Å"Wouldn't they?† said Ron, looking skeptical. â€Å"I dunno†¦they don't exactly mind breaking rules, do they?† â€Å"Yes, but this is the law,† said Hermione, looking scared. â€Å"This isn't some silly school rule†¦.They'll get a lot more than detention for blackmail! Ron†¦maybe you'd better tell Percy†¦.† â€Å"Are you mad?† said Ron. â€Å"Tell Percy? He'd probably do a Crouch and turn them in.† He stared at the window through which Fred and George's owl had departed, then said, â€Å"Come on, let's get some breakfast.† â€Å"D'you think it's too early to go and see Professor Moody?† Hermione said as they went down the spiral staircase. â€Å"Yes,† said Harry. â€Å"He'd probably blast us through the door if we wake him at the crack of dawn; he'll think we're trying to attack him while he's asleep. Let's give it till break.† History of Magic had rarely gone so slowly. Harry kept checking Ron's watch, having finally discarded his own, but Ron's was moving so slowly he could have sworn it had stopped working too. All three of them were so tired they could happily have put their heads down on the desks and slept; even Hermione wasn't taking her usual notes, but was sitting with her head on her hand, gazing at Professor Binns with her eyes out of focus. When the bell finally rang, they hurried out into the corridors toward the Dark Arts classroom and found Professor Moody leaving it. He looked as tired as they felt. The eyelid of his normal eye was drooping, giving his face an even more lopsided appearance than usual. â€Å"Professor Moody?† Harry called as they made their way toward him through the crowd. â€Å"Hello, Potter,† growled Moody. His magical eye followed a couple of passing first years, who sped up, looking nervous; it rolled into the back of Moody's head and watched them around the corner before he spoke again. â€Å"Come in here.† He stood back to let them into his empty classroom, limped in after them, and closed the door. â€Å"Did you find him?† Harry asked without preamble. â€Å"Mr. Crouch?† â€Å"No,† said Moody. He moved over to his desk, sat down, stretched out his wooden leg with a slight groan, and pulled out his hip flask. â€Å"Did you use the map?† Harry said. â€Å"Of course,† said Moody, taking a swig from his flask. â€Å"Took a leaf out of your book, Potter. Summoned it from my office into the forest. He wasn't anywhere on there.† â€Å"So he did Disapparate?† said Ron. â€Å"You can't Disapparate on the grounds, Ron!† said Hermione. â€Å"There are other ways he could have disappeared, aren't there, Professor?† Moody's magical eye quivered as it rested on Hermione. â€Å"You're another one who might think about a career as an Auror,† he told her. â€Å"Mind works the right way. Granger.† Hermione flushed pink with pleasure. â€Å"Well, he wasn't invisible,† said Harry. â€Å"The map shows invisible people. He must've left the grounds, then.† â€Å"But under his own steam?† said Hermione eagerly, â€Å"or because someone made him?† â€Å"Yeah, someone could've – could've pulled him onto a broom and flown off with him, couldn't they?† said Ron quickly, looking hopefully at Moody as if he too wanted to be told he had the makings of an Auror. â€Å"We can't rule out kidnap,† growled Moody. â€Å"So,† said Ron, â€Å"d'you reckon he's somewhere in Hogsmeade?† â€Å"Could be anywhere,† said Moody, shaking his head. â€Å"Only thing we know for sure is that he's not here.† He yawned widely, so that his scars stretched, and his lopsided mouth revealed a number of missing teeth. Then he said, â€Å"Now, Dumbledore's told me you three fancy yourselves as investigators, but there's nothing you can do for Crouch. The Ministry'll be looking for him now, Dumbledore's notified them. Potter, you just keep your mind on the third task.† â€Å"What?† said Harry. â€Å"Oh yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He hadn't given the maze a single thought since he'd left it with Krum the previous night. â€Å"Should be right up your street, this one,† said Moody, looking up at Harry and scratching his scarred and stubbly chin. â€Å"From what Dumbledore's said, you've managed to get through stuff like this plenty of times. Broke your way through a series of obstacles guarding the Sorcerers Stone in your first year, didn't you?† â€Å"We helped,† Ron said quickly. â€Å"Me and Hermione helped.† Moody grinned. â€Å"Well, help him practice for this one, and I'll be very surprised if he doesn't win,† said Moody. â€Å"In the meantime†¦constant vigilance, Potter. Constant vigilance.† He took another long draw from his hip flask, and his magical eye swiveled onto the window. The topmost sail of the Durmstrang ship was visible through it. â€Å"You two,† counseled Moody, his normal eye on Ron and Hermione, â€Å"you stick close to Potter, all right? I'm keeping an eye on things, but all the same†¦you can never have too many eyes out.† Sirius sent their owl back the very next morning. It fluttered down beside Harry at the same moment that a tawny owl landed in front of Hermione, clutching a copy of the Daily Prophet in its beak. She took the newspaper, scanned the first few pages, said, â€Å"Ha! She hasn't got wind of Crouch!† then joined Ron and Harry in reading what Sirius had to say on the mysterious events of the night before last. Harry – what do you think you are playing at, walking off into the forest with Viktor Krum? I want you to swear, by return owl, that you are not going to go walking with anyone else at night. There is somebody highly dangerous at Hogwarts. It is clear to me that they wanted to stop Crouch from seeing Dumbledore and you were probably feet away from them in the dark. You could have been killed. Your name didn't get into the Goblet of Fire by accident. If someone's trying to attack you, they're on their last chance. Stay close to Ron and Hermione, do not leave Gryffindor Tower after hours, and arm yourself for the third task. Practice Stunning and Disarming. A few hexes wouldn't go amiss either. There's nothing you can do about Crouch. Keep your head down and look after yourself. I'm waiting for your letter giving me your word you won't stray out-of-bounds again. Sirius â€Å"Who's he, to lecture me about being out-of-bounds?† said Harry in mild indignation as he folded up Sirius's letter and put it inside his robes. â€Å"After all the stuff he did at school!† â€Å"He's worried about you!† said Hermione sharply. â€Å"Just like Moody and Hagrid! So listen to them!† â€Å"No one's tried to attack me all year,† said Harry. â€Å"No one's done anything to me at all-â€Å" â€Å"Except put your name in the Goblet of Fire,† said Hermione. â€Å"And they must've done that for a reason. Harry. Snuffles is right. Maybe they've been biding their time. Maybe this is the task they're going to get you.† â€Å"Look,† said Harry impatiently, â€Å"let's say Sirius is right, and someone Stunned Krum to kidnap Crouch. Well, they would've been in the trees near us, wouldn't they? But they waited till I was out of the way until they acted, didn't they? So it doesn't look like I'm their target, does it?† â€Å"They couldn't have made it look like an accident if they'd murdered you in the forest!† said Hermione. â€Å"But if you die during a task-â€Å" â€Å"They didn't care about attacking Krum, did they?† said Harry. â€Å"Why didn't they just polish me off at the same time? They could've made it look like Krum and I had a duel or something.† â€Å"Harry, I don't understand it either,† said Hermione desperately. â€Å"I just know there are a lot of odd things going on, and I don't like it†¦.Moody's right – Sirius is right – you've got to get in training for the third task, straight away. And you make sure you write back to Sirius and promise him you're not going to go sneaking off alone again.† The Hogwarts grounds never looked more inviting than when Harry had to stay indoors. For the next few days he spent all of his free time either in the library with Hermione and Ron, looking up hexes, or else in empty classrooms, which they sneaked into to practice. Harry was concentrating on the Stunning Spell, which he had never used before. The trouble was that practicing it involved certain sacrifices on Ron's and Hermione's part. â€Å"Can't we kidnap Mrs. Norris?† Ron suggested on Monday lunchtime as he lay flat on his back in the middle of their Charms classroom, having just been Stunned and reawoken by Harry for the fifth time in a row. â€Å"Let's Stun her for a bit. Or you could use Dobby, Harry, I bet he'd do anything to help you. I'm not complaining or anything† – he got gingerly to his feet, rubbing his backside – â€Å"but I'm aching all over†¦.† â€Å"Well, you keep missing the cushions, don't you!† said Hermione impatiently, rearranging the pile of cushions they had used for the Banishing Spell, which Flitwick had left in a cabinet. â€Å"Just try and fall backward!† â€Å"Once you're Stunned, you can't aim too well, Hermione! â€Å"said Ron angrily. â€Å"Why don't you take a turn?† â€Å"Well, I think Harry's got it now, anyway,† said Hermione hastily. â€Å"And we don't have to worry about Disarming, because he's been able to do that for ages†¦.I think we ought to start on some of these hexes this evening.† She looked down the list they had made in the library. â€Å"I like the look of this one,† she said, â€Å"this Impediment Curse. Should slow down anything that's trying to attack you. Harry. We'll start with that one.† The bell rang. They hastily shoved the cushions back into Flitwick's cupboard and slipped out of the classroom. â€Å"See you at dinner!† said Hermione, and she set off for Arithmancy, while Harry and Ron headed toward North Tower, and Divination. Broad strips of dazzling gold sunlight tell across the corridor from the high windows. The sky outside was so brightly blue it looked as though it had been enameled. â€Å"It's going to be boiling in Trelawney's room, she never puts out that fire,† said Ron as they started up the staircase toward the silver ladder and the trapdoor. He was quite right. The dimly lit room was swelteringly hot. The fumes from the perfumed fire were heavier than ever. Harry's head swam as he made his way over to one of the curtained windows. While Professor Trelawney was looking the other way, disentangling her shawl from a lamp, he opened it an inch or so and settled back in his chintz armchair, so that a soft breeze played across his face. It was extremely comfortable. â€Å"My dears,† said Professor Trelawney, sitting down in her winged armchair in front of the class and peering around at them all with her strangely enlarged eyes, â€Å"we have almost finished our work on planetary divination. Today, however, will be an excellent opportunity to examine the effects of Mars, for he is placed most interestingly at the present time. If you will all look this way, I will dim the lights†¦.† She waved her wand and the lamps went out. The fire was the only source of light now. Professor Trelawney bent down and lifted, from under her chair, a miniature model of the solar system, contained within a glass dome. It was a beautiful thing; each of the moons glimmered in place around the nine planets and the fiery sun, all of them hanging in thin air beneath the glass. Harry watched lazily as Professor Trelawney began to point out the fascinating angle Mars was making to Neptune. The heavily perfumed fumes washed over him, and the breeze from the window played across his face. He could hear an insect humming gently somewhere behind the curtain. His eyelids began to droop†¦. He was riding on the back of an eagle owl, soaring through the clear blue sky toward an old, ivy-covered house set high on a hillside. Lower and lower they flew, the wind blowing pleasantly in Harry's face, until they reached a dark and broken window in the upper story of the house and entered. Now they were flying along a gloomy passageway, to a room at the very end†¦through the door they went, into a dark room whose windows were boarded up†¦. Harry had left the owl's back†¦he was watching, now, as it fluttered across the room, into a chair with its back to him†¦.There were two dark shapes on the floor beside the chair†¦both of them were stirring†¦. One was a huge snake†¦the other was a man†¦a short, balding man, a man with watery eyes and a pointed nose†¦he was wheezing and sobbing on the hearth rug†¦. â€Å"You are in luck, Wormtail,† said a cold, high-pitched voice from the depths of the chair in which the owl had landed. â€Å"You are very fortunate indeed. Your blunder has not ruined everything. He is dead.† â€Å"My Lord!† gasped the man on the floor. â€Å"My Lord, I am†¦I am so pleased†¦and so sorry†¦.† â€Å"Nagini,† said the cold voice, â€Å"you are out of luck. I will not be feeding Wormtail to you, after all†¦but never mind, never mind†¦there is still Harry Potter†¦.† The snake hissed. Harry could see its tongue fluttering. â€Å"Now, Wormtail,† said the cold voice, â€Å"perhaps one more little reminder why I will not tolerate another blunder from you†¦.† â€Å"My Lord†¦no†¦I beg you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The tip of a wand emerged from around the back of the chair. It was pointing at Wormtail. â€Å"Crucio!† said the cold voice. Wormtail screamed, screamed as though every nerve in his body were on fire, the screaming filled Harry's ears as the scar on his forehead seared with pain; he was yelling too†¦Voldemort would hear him, would know he was there†¦. â€Å"Harry! Harry!† Harry opened his eyes. He was lying on the floor of Professor Trelawney's room with his hands over his face. His scar was still burning so badly that his eyes were watering. The pain had been real. The whole class was standing around him, and Ron was kneeling next to him, looking terrified. â€Å"You all right?† he said. â€Å"Of course he isn't!† said Professor Trelawney, looking thoroughly excited. Her great eyes loomed over Harry, gazing at him. â€Å"What was it. Potter? A premonition? An apparition? What did you see?† â€Å"Nothing,† Harry lied. He sat up. He could feel himself shaking. He couldn't stop himself from looking around, into the shadows behind him; Voldemort's voice had sounded so close†¦. â€Å"You were clutching your scar!† said Professor Trelawney. â€Å"You were rolling on the floor, clutching your scar! Come now. Potter, I have experience in these matters!† Harry looked up at her. â€Å"I need to go to the hospital wing, I think,† he said. â€Å"Bad headache.† â€Å"My dear, you were undoubtedly stimulated by the extraordinary clairvoyant vibrations of my room!† said Professor Trelawney. â€Å"If you leave now, you may lose the opportunity to see further than you have ever -â€Å" â€Å"I don't want to see anything except a headache cure,† said Harry. He stood up. The class backed away. They all looked unnerved. â€Å"See you later,† Harry muttered to Ron, and he picked up his bag and headed for the trapdoor, ignoring Professor Trelawney, who was wearing an expression of great frustration, as though she had just been denied a real treat. When Harry reached the bottom of her stepladder, however, he did not set off for the hospital wing. He had no intention whatsoever of going there. Sirius had told him what to do if his scar hurt him again, and Harry was going to follow his advice: He was going straight to Dumbledore's office. He marched down the corridors, thinking about what he had seen in the dream†¦it had been as vivid as the one that had awoken him on Privet Drive†¦.He ran over the details in his mind, trying to make sure he could remember them†¦.He had heard Voldemort accusing Wormtail of making a blunder†¦but the owl had brought good news, the blunder had been repaired, somebody was dead†¦so Wormtail was not going to be fed to the snake†¦he, Harry, was going to be fed to it instead†¦. Harry had walked right past the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledores office without noticing. He blinked, looked around, realized what he had done, and retraced his steps, stopping in front of it. Then he remembered that he didn't know the password. â€Å"Sherbet lemon?† he tried tentatively. The gargoyle did not move. â€Å"Okay,† said Harry, staring at it, â€Å"Pear Drop. Er – Licorice Wand. Fizzing Whizbee. Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans†¦oh no, he doesn't like them, does he?†¦oh just open, can't you?† he said angrily. â€Å"I really need to see him, its urgent!† The gargoyle remained immovable. Harry kicked it, achieving nothing but an excruciating pain in his big toe. â€Å"Chocolate Frog!† he yelled angrily, standing on one leg. â€Å"Sugar Quill! Cockroach Cluster!† The gargoyle sprang to life and jumped aside. Harry blinked. â€Å"Cockroach Cluster?† he said, amazed. â€Å"I was only joking†¦.† He hurried through the gap in the walls and stepped onto the foot of a spiral stone staircase, which moved slowly upward as the doors closed behind him, taking him up to a polished oak door with a brass door knocker. He could hear voices from inside the office. He stepped off the moving staircase and hesitated, listening. â€Å"Dumbledore, I'm afraid I don't see the connection, don't see it at all!† It was the voice of the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. â€Å"Ludo says Berthas perfectly capable of getting herself lost. I agree we would have expected to have found her by now, but all the same, we've no evidence of foul play, Dumbledore, none at all. As for her disappearance being linked with Barty Crouch's!† â€Å"And what do you thinks happened to Barty Crouch, Minister?† said Moody's growling voice. â€Å"I see two possibilities, Alastor,† said Fudge. â€Å"Either Crouch has finally cracked – more than likely, I'm sure you'll agree, given his personal history – lost his mind, and gone wandering off somewhere -â€Å" â€Å"He wandered extremely quickly, if that is the case, Cornelius,† said Dumbledore calmly. â€Å"Or else – well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Fudge sounded embarrassed. â€Å"Well, I'll reserve judgment until after I've seen the place where he was found, but you say it was just past the Beauxbatons carriage? Dumbledore, you know what that woman is?† â€Å"I consider her to be a very able headmistress – and an excellent dancer,† said Dumbledore quietly. â€Å"Dumbledore, come!† said Fudge angrily. â€Å"Don't you think you might be prejudiced in her favor because of Hagrid? They don't all turn out harmless – if, indeed, you can call Hagrid harmless, with that monster fixation he's got -â€Å" â€Å"I no more suspect Madame Maxime than Hagrid,† said Dumbledore, just as calmly. â€Å"I think it possible that it is you who are prejudiced, Cornelius.† â€Å"Can we wrap up this discussion?† growled Moody. â€Å"Yes, yes, let's go down to the grounds, then,† said Fudge impatiently. â€Å"No, it's not that,† said Moody, â€Å"it's just that Potter wants a word with you, Dumbledore. He's just outside the door.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Air Asia

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (PMS 3393) ‘AIR ASIA’ Prepared by: Ahmad Izzuddin Bin Ahmad Zamri (4102005781) HaslindaBinti Ismail (4092008911) MohdAzuan Bin MohdAbdKadir (4102008091) Muhammad Khairil Anwar Bin Othman (4102004441) Nur An-NisaBintiRahmat (4071032881) SitiAisyahBintiMohdYusoff( 4102001031) SitiKhajirahBinti Abdul Aziz (4092008931) Prepared for: Dr. HafsahBinti Ahmad Submission Date: 22nd November 2012 Table of Content Acknowledgement1 Introduction2 History3 The Vision, Mission Statement and Objective5 Value Strategy6 Business Model8 Competitive Advantages10 AirAsia Assumption12SWOT Analysis13 The Air Asia 5 Forces Porter Model16 Air Asia Market Segments19 Five Years Financial Highlights22 Appendix24 References25 Acknowledgement Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah SWT, whom with His willingness has giving us the opportunity to successfully complete this Strategic Management assignment. First of all, we would like to express our special thank to Dr. HafsahBinti Ahmad, a le cturer of Strategic Management who had guided us and also provide a lot of information regarding our assignment from beginning to the end of the semester and also the valuable advices that he gave to us during our lectures.We are really appreciating it. Deepest thanks and appreciation to our parents, family and all fellow friends for their cooperation, encouragement, constructive suggestion and full of support for the assignment completion, from the beginning till the end. Without the help and guidance from all of you, it will be difficult for us to complete this assignment. Thank you. 1. 0 Introduction Air Asia is a Malaysian-based low-cost airline. Air Asia is Asia's largest low-fare, no-frills airline and a pioneer of low-cost travel in Asia.Air Asia group operates scheduled domestic and international flights to over 400 destinations spanning 25 countries. Its main hub is the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Its affiliate airlines Tha i Air Asia, Indonesia Air Asia, Air Asia Philippines and Air Asia Japan have hubs in Suvarnabhumi Airport, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Clark International Airport and Narita International Airport respectively. Air Asia's registered office is in Petaling Jaya, Selangor while its head office is at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. 1. 1 HistoryAirAsia was established in 1993 and began operations on 18 November 1996. It was originally founded by a government-owned conglomerate, DRB-Hicom. On 2 December 2001 the heavily-indebted airline was bought by former Time Warner executive Tony Fernandes's company Tune Air Sdn Bhd for the token sum of one ringgit (about USD 0. 26 at the time) with USD 11 million (MYR 40 million) worth of debts. Fernandes turned the company around, producing a profit in 2002 and launching new routes from its hub in Kuala Lumpur, undercutting former monopoly operator Malaysia Airlines with promotional fares as low as MYR 1 (USD 0. 7). In 2003, AirAsia ope ned a second hub at Senai International Airport in Johor Bahru near Singapore and launched its first international flight to Bangkok. AirAsia has since started a Thai subsidiary, added Singapore itself to the destination list, and started flights to Indonesia. Flights to Macau began in June 2004, and flights to mainland China (Xiamen) and the Philippines (Manila) in April 2005. Flights to Vietnam and Cambodia followed later in 2005 and to Brunei and Myanmar in 2006, the latter by Thai AirAsia.On August 2006, AirAsia took over Malaysia Airlines’ Rural Air Service routes in Sabah and Sarawak, operating under the Fly Asian Xpress brand. The routes were subsequently returned to MAS wings a year later, citing commercial reasons. Air Asia's CEO Tony Fernandes subsequently unveiled a five-year plan to further enhance its presence in Asia. Under the plan, Air Asia proposes to strengthen and enhance its route network by connecting all the existing cities in the region and expanding fu rther into Vietnam, Indonesia, Southern China (Kunming, Xiamen, Shenzhen) and India.The airline will focus on developing its hubs in Bangkok and Jakarta through its sister companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia. With increase frequency and the addition of new routes, AirAsia expects passenger volume to reach 18 million by the end of 2007 On 27 September 2008, the company had on its list 106 new routes to be added to its then-current list of 60. The number of old routes discontinued has not been publicly disclosed. On 2 April 2012 Air Asia had their first flight from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur.In August 2011, AirAsia agreed to forge an alliance with Malaysian Airlines by means of a share swap. The alliance was struck down by the Malaysian government, in effect voiding the agreement of both airlines. 2. 0 The Vision, Mission Statement and Objective The Vision To be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion people who are currently underserved with poor connecti vity and high fares. The Mission Statement †¢ To be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family. †¢ Create a globally recognized ASEAN brand. To attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with Air Asia. †¢ Maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce cost and enhance service level. Future Objective for AirAsia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-based AirAsia has recently announced in a press conference that they intend to purchase an additional twenty-five aircraft. The purchase is the second this year for the airline and fourth since the 2005. The purchase agreement is for 25 Airbus A320 series aircraft. This will bring the total A320 series aircraft operated by AirAsia to well over 200 aircraft.Air Asia group CEO Tony Fernades says at the press conference that this purchase is an important step for Air Asia as it signifies their future aggressive route expansion plans in tandem to their expected traffic growth over the next decade. It also demonstrates their commitment to enhance AirAsia's position on the networks by incorporating the most modern and efficient aircraft in the market. The addition of aircraft will be used to add frequency across the route network and introduce new routes. AirAsia's introduction to the aviation industry as an innovator has grown to the extent it is now a leader that sets the benchmark to others. Also speaking at the press conference was Airbus CEO John Leahy. Leahy was very excited about this newest order and says that their company have been extremely proud to be part of AirAsia's outstanding success and delighted that the confidence in the A320 has resulted in the airline now becoming the largest airline customer for this aircraft in the world. With its unbeatable economics and enormous passenger appeal, he is confident that the large A320 fleet is destined to propel AirAsia to the forefront of industry in the years ahead. 2. 1 Value Strategy * SafetyAdop ting a zero tolerance to unsafe practices and strives for zero accidents through proper training, work practices, risk management and adherence to safety regulations at all times. * High Aircraft Utilization Air Asia implementing the regions fastest turnaround time at only 25 minutes and assuring the lower costs and higher productivity. * Low Fare, No Frills Providing guests with choice of customizing services without compromising on the quality and services. * Valuing their People Committing to their people’s development and well-being and treating them with respect, dignity and fairness. Customer Focused They care and treat everyone in the same manner that they want to be treated. * Lean Distribution System They also offer a wide and innovative range of distribution channels to make booking and traveling easier. * Integrity Practicing highest standards of ethical behavior and demonstrate honesty in all their lines of work in order to command trust and mutual respect. * Exce llence in Performance Setting goals beyond the best and reinforcing high quality performance standards and achieving excellence through implementing best practices. 2. AirAsia Business Model 1. Low Cost Carrier A low cost carrier (also known as a no-frills or discount carrier) is an airline that offer low fares but eliminates all â€Å"non-essential† services. The typical low-cost carrier business model is based on: * A single passenger class * A single type of airplane (reducing training and services costs) * A simple fares scheme (typically fares increase as the plane fills up, rewards early reservations) * Free seating ( which encourages passengers to board early) * Direct, point to point flight with no transfer Flying to cheaper, less congested secondary airport * Short flights and fast turnaround times (allowing maximum utilization of planes) * â€Å"Free† in-flight catering and other â€Å"complimentary† services are eliminated, and replaced by optimal pai d-for-in-flight food and drink. 2. Simple Products A typical low cost airlines product is extremely basic. It focuses on getting passenger from point A to B, cutting all the â€Å"extras†. This means there are no meals, drinks and snacks served free on the board. In certain airlines, these may be purchased on request.The aircraft have Narrow seating to permit greater capacity. Low cost airlines offer all-economy flights with no additional space requirement for wider business class seating. This means more passengers can be accommodate on each sector. There are no facilities for seat allocations as this free-seating makes passenger’s board the flights early to get themselves a decent seat. The pricing structures of low cost airlines allow for no additional schemes or sales promotion activities, including frequent-flyers programmed. 3. PositioningThe low cost airlines the world over are known to target non-business passengers, leisure traffic and the price-conscious busi ness passenger segment. The low cost model works best on short-haul point-to-point traffic with high frequencies. These airlines have aggressive marketing strategies and complete with all transportation carriers, including the road and railway networks. Most western low cost airlines fly to secondary airports which are cheaper to land into. However, this is not yet option in India. 4. Low Operation CostsLow cost airlines have a very lean organization structure and operating costs are kept to the bare minimum with low wages (as crew/staff requirement are low and generally fresher’s are preferred), low airport fees, low cost for maintenance and cockpit training (as these are typically outsourced). There is no requirement for standby crews due to a homogeneous aircraft fleet. Low cost carriers aim at achieving high resource productivity. This is generally achieved due to short ground waits (as turnaround times are kept minimal due to simple boarding processes, no air freight, no hub services and short cleaning times).Selling cost is also minimized as high percentage (if not 100%) of ticket sales is generate online, eliminating the margin that would otherwise need to be passed on as commissions to travel agents. 2. 3 Competitive Advantages 2. 4AirAsia Assumption Assumption 1: it is assumed that AirAsia’s customers can still be satisfied and chose AirAsia’s services even if the company does not improve their customer service, as the level and factors of satisfaction differ amongst different customers.Mathematical, these three assumptions can be stated as: A3 = A2 + A1 Where A3 = Customer loyalty through improved services in AirAsia is dependent on; A2 = Customer (repurchase) behavior and; A1 = Customer satisfaction level based on previous experience. Assumption 2:  it is improvement of AirAsia’s customer services will result in improved customers satisfaction and preference for their services, but does not guarantee future repurchase i ntention, thus reducing the chances of customer retention and loyalty.Assumption 3: from the figure (3) above, it is assumed that an improvement in AirAsia’s customers services will enhance customers patronage (which can be measured by the number of repeat purchase and/or intention to repurchase) by improving customer’s experience with their services and enhancing their preference for AirAsia’s services compared to that of AirAsia’s competitors. 3. 0 SWOT Analysis Strengths * Air Asia has a very strong management team with strong links with governments and airline industry leaders.This is partly contributed by the diverse background of the executive management teams which consists of industry experts and ex-top government officials. For example, Shin Corp (formerly owned by the family of former Thai Prime Minister – Thaksin Shinawatra) holds a 50% stake in Thai Air Asia. This has helped Air Asia to open up and capture a sizeable market in Thailand. With their strong working relationship with Airbus, they managed to get big discount for aircraft purchase which is also more fuel efficient compared to Boeing 737 planes which is being used by many other airlines. The management team is also very good in strategy formulation and execution. The strategy that they have formulated at the beginnings was a clever blend of proven strategies by other low cost airlines is US and Europe. They are Ryanair’s operational strategy (no frills, landing in secondary airport), Southwest’s people strategy (employee comes first) and Easyjet’s branding strategy (linking with other service providers like hotels, car rental). * AirAsia is the low cost leader in Asia. With the help of AirAsia Academy, AirAsia has successfully created a â€Å"low-cost airline mentality† among their workforce.The workforce is very flexible and high committed and very critical in making AirAsia the lowest cost airline in Asia. * The excellent ut ilization of IT have directly contributed to their promotional activities (email alerts and desktop widget which was jointly developed with Microsoft for new promotions), brand building exercise (with over 3 million hits per month and on the most widely surfed booking engines in the world) as well keep the cost low by enabling direct purchase of tickets by consumer thus saving on airline agent fees. Weaknesses Air Asia does not have its own maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility. It may be a good strategy when they first started with only Malaysia as the hub and few planes to maintain. But now, with few hubs (Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia) and over 100 planes currently owned and about another 100 planes to be received in the next few years, AirAsia have to ensure proper and continuous maintenance of the planes which will also help to keep the overall costs low. It is a competitive disadvantage not to have its own MRO facility. * AirAsia receives lot complaints from ustom ers on their service. Examples of complaints are around flight delays, being charged for a lot of things and not able to change flight or get a refund if customers could not make it. Good customer service and management is critical especially when competition is getting intense. Opportunities * There are 2 major events that are taking place now or going to take place in less than 6 months from now. First is the ever increasing oil price. Second is the â€Å"ASEAN Open Skies† agreement that has been reached. * The increasing oil price at the first glance may appear like a threat for AirAsia.But being a low cost leader, AirAsia an upper hand because its cost will be still the lowest among all the regional airlines. Thus, AirAsia has a great opportunity to capture some of the existing customers of full service and other low cost airline’s customers. However, there will be also some reduction in overall travel especially by casual or budget travelers. * There is also some opportunity to partner with other low cost airlines as Virgin to tap into their existing strengths or competitive advantages such as brand name, landing rights and landing slots (time to land). The population of Asian middle class will be reaching almost 700 million by 2010. This creates a larger market and a huge opportunity for all low cost airlines in this region including AirAsia. Threats * Certain rates like airport departure, security charges and landing charges are beyond the control of airline operators and this is a threat to all airlines especially low cost airlines which tries to keep their cost as low as possible. For example, Changi airport in Singapore charges SGD21 for every person who departs from Singapore. AirAsia’s profit margin is about 30% and this has already attracted many competitors. Most of the full service airlines have or planning to create a low cost subsidiary to compete directly with AirAsia. For example, Singapore Airlines has created a low cos t carrier Tiger Airways. * Users’ perception that budget airlines may compromise safety to keep costs low. 3. 1 The AirAsia 5 Forces Porter Model Internal Rivalry According to the geographic and product market, Lion Air, Batavia Air, Mandala Air, SriwijayaIndonesia and even Garuda Indonesia are Air Asia’s competitors.They also provide cheap prices andnumerous flight routes in South Asia. All these flight companies compete in price except GarudaIndonesia which has a different strategy. As consumer of Garuda, they will get a value-added. Air Asiaclaims that they have no Admin fees but in reality, there are many additional fees which don’t exist inother flight companies. Which is free for some companies is not for other ones. For instance, customers canspeak about booking seats fees or luggage fees. This is definitely the price dimension which matters onthis specific market.Thus the firms struggle on their costs. For instance Air Asia is well-known for theconsidera ble development of its Information Technology. Thanks to the considerable use of the IT, theyget low costs and are then able to offer low prices. In Asian developing countries, the middle class isgrowing up. This creates huge opportunities for the airlines. The companies will have to fight to get somemarket shares because customers are not loyal and switch easily from one company to another. Barriers to Entry Brand awareness is quite important in this industry.To enter this industry not only is requiredhigh capital but also brand image. Most of the time consumers choose the product or service they reallytrust. New entrants have to create brand loyalty by making huge investments to establish their reputation. The government legislation is one of the barriers for entering airlines industry. Therefore it isvery difficult getting a new flight route from the government. If Air Asia doesn’t get any more flight-routes, it may affect their profit because they need to extend their net work. Hopefully Air Asia has always been close to the governments in South Asia.For instance in Thailand, Shin Corp formerly owned by thefamily of former Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, holds a 50% stake in Thai Air Asia. Thishelped Air Asia to open up and capture a sizeable market in Thailand. Government policies have limitednew entrances, which is a good thing for Air Asia because they are already settled on the market. Key inputs as technological know-how, raw materials, distribution or locations may also limit theaccess to the market. But when a company already established creates its own low cost firm, the key inputs are not a problem anymore.Tiger Airways which has been created by Singapore Airlines is one of the most dangerous competitors of Air Asia Supplier’s Power In airline industry, the power of suppliers is quite high. First there are only two major planessuppliers which are Airbus and Boeing. However both suppliers provide almost the same standardaircra fts, so that the possibility of consumers to switch is low. Moreover Air Asia ordered large amountsfrom Airbus in order to expand its routes to international routes. They built a strong relationship and Air Asia managed to get big discounts.Then Air Asia uses the fuel supplier (AVTUR) from Pertamina which prices are very sensitive. Itmay affect the ticket price. Moreover Air Asia, as Lion Air or Mandala, doesn’t use catering suppliers. They only offer snacks on flight and this is not for free. Lastly, Air Asia doesn’t have its ownmaintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility. If this was not a problem before when they only startedin Malaysia, now with three hubs and an important fleet of aircraft, it might be too expensive. Air Asiamust pay attention to this, not having its own MRO facility is a competitive disadvantage. Buyer’s PowerNowadays, buyers are much more informed and high-educated. That is why they are verysensitive to the price not matter the produc t or the service. Even if Air Asia always provides the lowest price to the costumer, they still will make a comparison between the different airlines. Besides it is veryeasy and costless for the customer to switch from one company to another one because many are offeringthe same service. Moreover Air Asia often gives a bad image to the costumers because of their chronicflight delays. People could choose for another company to be sure being on time. Substitutes and ComplimentsSometimes the consumer is not so much interested in the main product for some reasons. On thelow cost market, the main reason will be the price which he judges too expensive. Then he will look for substitutes. In the airline industry, we can meet two types of substitutes, the direct ones and the indirectones. If the customer is looking for transportation for a short distance, he can look for indirect substitutessuch as bus, train or ship. But travelling will take a longer time. He has to make a strategic choice between time and money. In Indonesia, the railroad industry is monopolized by PT. KAI so there is nocompetition.Regarding the bus and the ship, there are many companies so many choices. Some are the property of the government, some are private. If he is travelling on a longer distance, he will look for adirect substitute, that is to say other airlines. Teleconferencing and other type of business communicationsmay also be substitutes to air travel. Then they would affect the demand for airplanes. 3. 2 AirAsia Market Segments Market segmentation varies for each product but typically targets price oriented customers through their slogan â€Å"Now everyone can fly† Air Asia’s philosophy of low fares is aimed to make flying affordable for everyone.Air Asia also aims at making travel easy, convenient and fun for its guest. Full market coverage Products offered to customers cover all areas of a budget traveler. 3. 3 AirAsia 5 years Financial Highlights Appendix 4. 0 Reference s 1) History of AirAsia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/AirAsia 2) AirAsia’s vision, mission and objectives www. airasia. com/iwov†¦ /AirAsia/IR/AA%20Corporate%202007b. pdf 3) AirAsia value strategy announcements. bursamalaysia. com/†¦ /AIRASIA-†¦ 4) AirAsia business model en. wikipedia. org/wiki/No_frills 5) Competitive advantage www. academia. edu/†¦ AirAsia_The_Worlds_Lowest_Cost_Airline 6) Strategic directions http://www. scribd. com/doc/14214973/Air-Asia-Strategic-Analysis 7) Strategic assumptions http://www. iservices. ilokabenneth. com/research_proposal_AirAsia. html 8) SWOT analysis www. allfreepapers. com/Miscellaneous/Air-Asia/9363. html 9) 5 Forces model www. studymode. com/subjects/air-asia-porter's-five-forces-page1. html 10) AirAsia market segmentations www. scribd. com/doc/51874782/14/MARKET-SEGMENTS 11) AirAsia 5 years financial highlights www. airasia. com/my/en/about-us/ir-5-year-financial-highlights. page

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Please write a summary of I BELIVE IN THA HOLY SPIRIT vol. 3 pp Essay

Please write a summary of I BELIVE IN THA HOLY SPIRIT vol. 3 pp. 174-214 written by Yves Congar. I mean only this part fro - Essay Example Anselm decided that the Greeks and Latins were on the same page when it came time to discuss Trinitarian doctrines. Augustine stated that the Greeks believed in one essence and three substances while the Latin people believed in one essence or substance brings three persons. Augustine stated that the difference is only in the wording, however, Abelard believed that this difference was crucial in deciding how well the Greeks practiced their faith. Abelard stated that "hypostasis" was a dangerous word to Jerome. There had been a problem in the way that Greeks followed the doctrines on the Holy Spirit according to the non-Greek religious leaders. These non-Greek religious leaders felt it impossible that the Greeks were genuine when their vocabulary was inappropriate. They believed that the Greeks did not practice in the right way since the vocabulary they used tended to be so radically different, that it was impossible that they followed the right path. The non-Greek religious groups fe lt that this was only a vocabulary issue and that they did still believe in the Holy Spirit in the right way, however, it was too difficult to think that if there is a vocabulary error, there must also be a method in practicing faith error as well. During Anselm's time, it was believed that most of the doctrines were in agreement between the Latin people and the Greeks. Wording seemed to be the only problems encountered by Anselm's opinion of how the Greeks practiced. Thomas believed that the wording was incredibly different but the meanings were almost the same. The Greeks deny the procession of the Holy Spirit a Filio, however they concede it in its antecedent. This problem has lasted since the year 325 and it is now the fourteenth century. This dispute is quite strong still by the fourteenth century and no conclusions have yet been made about whether the Greeks and Latins can come to an agreement of how they practice their faith. Alexander Hales came up with his own opinion and h is comments about how the Latins and Greeks differ are as follows: Augustine (Latin leader at the time) considered the inner structure of the spirit and therefore maintained that it was from the mens that the cogitatio or word proceeded and the latter was followed by the spiration of the affectus. The Damascene (Greek leader at the time), on the other hand, considered the external word so that the point of departure was the intellect, followed by the word, which emerged as a word with a breath, which was connected in an immediate way to the intellect. The spirit, then, was Spiritus Verbi, non a Verbo. Alexander believed that these were the opposing views between the Latins and the Greeks of how the word and the Holy Spirit were related. Bonaventure was a commentator and he came up with an interesting perspective about this controversial debate. The first part is the fact that both the Greeks and the Latins agreed on the aspects of faith in divine revelation found in the scriptures. The second part is concerning the fact that the Greeks and Latins differ in their viewpoints on categories and terminology. The third and final aspect is that of the teaching in a formula which led to the controversy in the first place. He actually figured out where the similarities and differences were and wrote them out to help clear this debate once and for all. The items they both agreed on are as follows: the scriptural basis of the procession and the spirit belongs to the son and is sent by the son. The Latins

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why Should Companies Based in the United States Outsource Parts of Research Paper

Why Should Companies Based in the United States Outsource Parts of their Business to Off-Shore Locations - Research Paper Example The nation’s international presence has not only facilitated the process of outsourcing for the companies in USA but also made them successful in the global market. There has been extensive debate on whether outsourcing is desirable or not and whether people are affected by it. There have been different views on it from people. The project explores the advantages that the US firms enjoy through outsourcing of activities. The advantages would be discussed in terms of the economic benefits brought about in the company in the long run. Economic Benefits to the Company and the U.S. economy in the long term The US organizations are generally seen to outsource activities to countries like India and China and have attained considerable success in capitalizing in these markets. India is considered to have extensive technical expertise, which is one of the factors why the size of the outsourcing sector is huge in the country. This helps the US firms to exploit the core competencies of the developing nations and use them in the company’s advantage. In addition to this among the outsourced countries, India also has a large pool of talent which has a strong command on the English language. This is accompanied with a strong base of technically skilled expertise (Whitfield & VanHorssen, 2008, p.2). Among the other key players in the field of outsourcing is Brazil, which provides a highly advanced technological infrastructure. Another option before the US companies is Russia which provides a huge pool of labor which is educated in the field of science. Their labor is also known for their strong delivery and process methodology. The nation is one of the most competent in the area of research and development. It has immense support of the government to develop its software skills and expertise (Whitfield & VanHorssen, 2008, p.2). Extensive research was conducted which indicates that both the industrialized and developing nations in the world could reap the gains f rom outsourcing of services. This would essentially mean efficiency gains from the point of view of the industrial nations via the opportunity of developing skills and expertise in areas in which they have competencies. According to the report presented by McKinsey Global Institute (2003), for every US $1, worth of outsourcing, USA gains $1.12 and the outsourced country gains $0.33 approximately. This fact shows the degree of gains that organizations can enjoy through the process of outsourcing. Most multinational companies have started outsourcing their service activities on a regular basis. This is done based on the ground that in case they do not outsource their services while their competitors continued to do so, they would lose the local and global markets to their foreign rivals. This is because it is felt that if they don’t outsource while their competitors continue to do so aggressively, they would be losing on the local and global market to the foreign rivals. This w ould be likely to result in low and stagnant profits which would result in low creation of investment and capital in technologies. The advantage of saving costs from outsourcing accounts for the most important value source for the organizations in US (Rajan & Srivastava, 2007, p.40). Global outsourcing is particularly effective in attaining advantages for developing nations of the world. There has been opening up of new employment opportunities, exports and growth of numerous of tradable services activities. Looking at a more dynamic picture, increase in the level of income by trade would simultaneously bring about creation of favorable feedback effects from the other

Thursday, September 26, 2019

'radical change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

'radical change - Essay Example On the other hand, in the development process, a large organisation may come face-to-face with momentous need for radical and fundamental change. In most instances, changes in a large organisation may be triggered by several circumstances that include: emerging threat from a competitor, decision to expand the company’s market, unexpected reduction in the company’s production and profitability, change in customers’ needs and demands as well as sharp slide in the company’s production (Pardo Del Val and Fuentes 2003, p.149). Therefore, to ensure the success of any radical change in an organisation, leader and managers ought to come up with a promising and an effective mechanism to facilitate effective implementation of the required change. Additionally, the adoption of a strategy that would incorporate ideas and views from all stakeholders is also essential and critical for the company’s development (Thornhill, Lewis, Millmore, and Saunders 2000, p.11) . The essay below will as a result identify and expound on the most effective means of addressing the financial crises in Associated Dairies & Farm Stores Limited

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Esaay 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Esaay 1 - Essay Example Intelligence and Analysis are, thus, horses of different colors that serve in a symbiotic relationship to broaden the meaning and functionality of ideas that so important to every nation the world over. This paper endeavors to dig deep into this very important relationship, explaining the dynamics involved in creating suitable solutions adopted in policy making, how analysis infiltrates intelligence reports as a corrective agent, the effect of analysis in driving home accuracy levels in intelligence reports, and the very impact of intelligent analysis in policy legislation successes and/or failure. In their piece titled â€Å"Intelligence: The Secret World of Spies: An Anthology,† Johnson and Wirtz defines Intelligence Cycle as â€Å"the process by which information is gathered, analyzed, and converted into usable intelligence data to affect policy changes† (5). Intelligence Cycle, therefore, runs through several processing processes that incorporate planning, data collection, analysis and subsequent breakdown, and lastly, the production and dissemination of information into usable forms or rather to be acted upon. Noteworthy, Intelligence Cycles, as the two scholars argues, is fitted with analytical mechanics right from the initiation processes of pooling/assemblage of information to the presentation of final reports for policymaking; a clear indication of the complementarity functioning of Intelligence cycle and the analysis cycle tasks. The accuracy of intelligence reports always serves as a critical element to inform whether such should be acted upon or not right from the beginning. Accordingly, it takes critical analysis to collect data, visual or otherwise, by intelligence officers, translate those that so requires, in order to tighten any loose ends and/or provide accurate report/description of a case under investigation. In

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 Essay

Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 - Essay Example Similarly, they also have come to cater to companies from other countries in the course of their business. Through it all, marine industry players have become subject to foreign exchange risks. They have engaged in deals that would involve gains or losses resulting from the fluctuations in the exchange rates of foreign currencies used. Thus, foreign exchange risk should be acknowledged in the marine industry as a reality that all companies should be prepared for. If managed well, foreign exchange fluctuations can even present opportunities for companies to earn more. Huge capital investments for boats or similar fixed assets purchased from a foreign supplier can turn out to be big mistakes for marine companies that transacted them in a currency whose equivalent conversion to the native currency takes a nosedive right the next day or even weeks after the purchase date. The same is true with having collected revenues in currencies whose values abruptly plummets. Indeed, such cases are not to be underestimated or overlooked. They can lead to material, negative impact on the profitability and financial soundness of any marine company. As a matter of fact, the dread of ending up as casualties of abrupt foreign exchange fluctuation has led businessmen and investors across all industries to adopt different mechanisms to mitigate such risk. Fear and risk-aversion naturally come with things that are unpredictable, uncontrollable or unfamiliar. Risk, then, is a subject that ought to be explored and studied. If risks will be capably viewed in the right perspective by decision-makers, then strategic opportunities for growth and development will not go wasted or deliberately missed out due to attempts to avoid them. Winning companies do not avoid having to face risks; they embrace risk-taking and then learn from it. It is important to create in the company a culture that welcomes risk-taking as part and parcel of excelling in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6

Business Law - Essay Example Most tribunals deal with cases that involve the rights of private citizens against the State. Many of these tribunals deal with issues that are central to the fight against social exclusion like for example, social security, child support and mental health. Tribunals are a large and important part of the justice system, that have, hitherto fore, not received the attention and recognition that they deserve. The progress of equal pay cases can be normally slow and complicated. Cases pertaining to jobs of equal value involve enormous number of claimants with a wide range of implications. Tribunals face a lot of difficulty in dealing with complex cases which involve expertise, because they will be forced to appoint an independent expert to prepare a detailed case study and evaluation report and this causes inordinate delays. Further these independent experts are not supplied with sufficient information and further, they do not possess the required authority to demand such information from the claimants. The tribunal cannot enforce any sanction on the experts in the case of delays and the availability and appointment of such independent experts also involves time. In addition, tribunals conceal the identity of the independent experts and this has the effect of discouraging claimants, to some extent, in providing complete information. In order to mitigate these problems, section 8(5) of the... d in order to streamline case management by making the rules easier and by engendering the early exchange of information, engagement of independent experts and by ensuring that information is given to them at the early stage of the proceedings1. Another problem consists of the fact that there are no plans to extend legal aid to people whose incomes are low and who are involved in the complex tribunal procedures. The situation obtaining at present is such that many people have to meet their own costs, and have to represent themselves, whilst many employers are represented by experienced barristers. This practice enables employers or their legal representatives to use the threat of costs to intimidate and deter those making an application to an employment tribunal. Tribunals cover a very wide range of important issues like health, employment, benefits, housing and immigration and people depend on them to protect their important basic rights. If tribunals are to provide effective justice then people bringing and defending cases before it must have access to low cost and informed legal aid. The government had initiated steps to ensure that tribunals meet the standards of independence and impartiality as required by the Human Rights Act. In Starrs and Chalmers v Procurator Fiscal2 the court decisions have confirmed that Employment Tribunals3 and School Admission and Exclusion Appeal Panels4 meet the required standards. Therefore, the government is of the firm belief that tribunals fully meet all the requirements of the populace and that no further changes should be required on that account. However, the government will take all necessary steps wherever the arrangements in any particular tribunal are found to be insufficient. Apart from the considerations of human rights,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

street car named Desire Essay Example for Free

street car named Desire Essay The play â€Å"A street car named Desire† by Tennessee Williams is a play that explores different characterizations in the society, by using three prime characters Stanley, Blanche, and Stella. Stanley is a person who lives in the realm of reality while Blanche seeks to live in a fantasy world. Stella is person who is deceived by Blanche’s illusions but comes back to reality when Stanley acts as a mirror and reflects all that Blanche loathes about herself. The characters in the play hide from their reality by acting as if the events they went through didn’t happen or were not important. Norton Juster in his masterpiece â€Å"The phantom tollbooth† said â€Å"if something is there, you can only see it with your eyes open, but if it isnt there, you can see it just as well with your eyes closed. Thats why imaginary things are often easier to see than real ones. † Blanche chose a see something that is not there in order to hide from the present misfortune and past failures, which gave her happiness, peace and kindness than the real world. Similarly when Blanche reveals the truth about the rape, Stella chose to believe in the fantasy and discard the truth by saying â€Å"I couldnt go on believing her story and live with Stanley† (Stella 1862). Blanche may be a person who lives in an unrealistic world. She lied and hid the truth but she never tried to hide the truth. She always believed in the best of anyone she loves, and believe them incapable of cruelty. This can be evident as she says â€Å"Deliberate cruelty is not forgivable. It is the one unforgivable thing in my opinion and it is the one thing of which I have never, never been guilty. †(Blanche 1859). Blanche knows what part of her story is illusion, and Stanley sees through it all. This eventually leads to the implicating moment. Stella reacts in an interesting manner in this scene. She says â€Å"I couldnt go on believing her story and live with Stanley† (Stella 1862) on knowing the truth. She resolved the conflict that is going through her soul in the only way possible. As Blanche reveals the truth about the rape, Stella either has to believe her and leave Stanley or consider Blanches story as a part of her illusion. Even though Stella knows that Blanche was speaking out the reality, she followed the principles of illusion over reality in order to continue living the life she had before Blanche’s arrival. Living in Illusions in the present day is very common. We consume a lot of lies daily. The key to happiness lies in how we show ourselves to the world. Celebrities who come from humble backgrounds are shown as proof that anyone can be adored by the world. For example the flamboyant lives of celebrities and the outrageous characters on television, movies, professional wrestling and sensational talk shows are promoted to us, promising to fill up the emptiness in our own lives. However it is cultivating a self-sustaining cycle that drives the frustrated and alienated individual with even greater desperation and hunger away from reality, back towards the empty promises of those who seduce us, who tell us what we want to hear. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the steady deterioration of the dollars, the climbing unemployment, the melting of the polar ice caps and the awful reality that makes us run out of money doesnt fit into the cheerful happy talk that we maintain in our day to day life. The worse things get, the more we beg for fantasy. Escaping the reality and living in a fantasy world will leave oneself blind to the things around us. In some cases, if we are strong enough to withhold from the fantasy and illusions around us, we may end up in the reality, like Mitch. Both Stella and Blanche found it best in their minds to live in a fantasy but if you live in it too long it can take over your reality.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bridging Academic and Career Competencies Essay Example for Free

Bridging Academic and Career Competencies Essay The university learning goals are essential skills that hiring managers look for when reviewing applications. Knowing how to incorporate the learning goals into your career competencies can help you in the application and career-search process. Fill in the following table with 100-word summaries of how each university learning goal can help you with career preparedness. University learning goal How each goal prepares you for success in the workplace Professional Competence and Values Professional Competence and Values prepares me for success in the workplace by giving me the classes that I need to be successful in a future career and my personal life. The university providing these courses, which give the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful, is helpful to me since I am not being put into classes that I have nothing to do with my career field. This goal also encourages lifelong learning, which encourages me to take more classes once I graduate from my current program and strive to learn more when I enter my career field post-graduation. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Critical thinking and Problem Solving prepares me for success in the workplace by giving me the skills to be better with how I think about and address problems. While in the workplace, this will help me and has helped me so far to take my thoughts from just a yes or no answer, to answers that I have reflected on more. This goal will also help give me the skills to come up with a more reasoned and detailed solution when solving a problem. With that knowledge, I can explain to my employer the solution I chose for a problem and why I chose it. Communication Communication helps me prepare for success in the workplace by giving me the knowledge I need to be a better formal communicator. Learning how to better use grammar, punctuation, and tone in how I write will help when I need to  send memos to colleagues in my career field. Having that information will help me better communicate to them professionally, and not how I would talk to my friends on a daily basis. Communication will also help with how I present my ideas to others, so that they are easy to understand and respectful of colleagues both in the tone and words that I use. Information Utilization Information Utilization helps me prepare for success in the workplace by helping me to improve my research skills and how I use the information that I find. Having classes where I have to locate answers using the research skills that I already have, causes me to better refine what I am already doing so that when I enter a career field, I will not need assistance if I am looking for information that I may need. This goal also will help me to use the proper information, so that whatever I am working on can be right the first time and negate the need to have to go back and research again. Collaboration Collaboration helps me prepare for success in the workplace by allowing me to work in groups with other students on projects. Collaborating will give the ability to hear and see things from multiple points of view that I do not possess, something that will help me when I get to a career. Collaboration will help me with the ability to trust team members, and not be quick to judge or try to do things on my own, as in my chosen career field, that is not something I will be able to do, and will have to work with others on solutions.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Quaid E Azam, The Best Leader

Quaid E Azam, The Best Leader Leadership and Organizational Behavior: If you change your past and work together in a spirit that every one of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what his color, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this State with equal rights, privileges and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make. (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) (1) It really takes a lifetime to achieve your dreams but in order achieve the dream of millions, it is a feat that only a few can perform in the whole mankind but Quaid-e-Azam was one of them. The abilities and skills which he manifested in the creation of Pakistan and the fight he fought, with reasons and logics to bring the dream of a lifetime for millions of souls was unsurpassable. We will always remain in debt to this man and those millions of sacrifices. Why I chose Quaid-e-Azam, the best leader: Everyone in this earth has a hero. People have heroes because they really admire that specific person and they really look up to that person. They really want to do what they have done and they have achieved in their lives. Likewise, I also have a hero. My hero is Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. There has been a lot written and said about him. From Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre to Stanley Walport; everyone agreed on one thing: this man, this leader and founder of Pakistan had resolve of a man unbreakable even by the might of the mightiest, the British Empire, the Hindus and by all who thought that to create Pakistan was something beyond reach. But he stood strongly against all who promised and applied pressure from every direction and yet they couldnt move him even an inch. He was to give all, he single handedly performed his responsibilities and there are some elements that make him very unique in all sense; as a leader or as a tactician, as one of the finest implementer of law or as a symbol of governance. I choose him as my hero leader because I really admire him and his style, his personality and most importantly what he did for the Muslims of our country. He gave Muslims the freedom from the British Empire that was ruling at that time. Biographies and Articles: I have read lots of biographies and articles on Quaid-e-Azam and I am going to discuss and analyze a few of those here. The first biography named, Muhammad Ali Jinnah Biography (2) describes the basic introduction about the early life of Quaid-e-Azam and his early education, his comeback to India, starting of his practice at bar, his joining of All India National Congress has also been described, agreement on Lucknow Pact, Jinnahs fourteen points, his control over the Muslim League, Lahore Resolution, 1945-46 elections and the establishment of Pakistan. The second biography named, Biography on Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (3) also describes his early life and his education, his life in London has also been discussed, his return to Karachi in 1896, his entrance in Politics in 1906, his role in unifying the Muslims into a nation and becoming the first head of a new estate i.e. Pakistan. The third biography named, Biography on Quaid-e-Azam (4) explains Birth of Quaid-e-Azam, the Early Life of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Political Career of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Constitutional Struggle of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Muslim League Reorganization and link of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Demand for Pakistan Slogan Raised by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Cripps Scheme and the most importantly, The Quaids last Words. An article, Remembering the Founder (5), from Dawn December 25, 2000; shows the importance of Quaid-e-Azam in the struggle against the problems in making Pakistan, it also shows his modern vision of politics and his vision of Pakistan as well. Another article, Quaids Concept of Pakistan (6), from The News International Pakistan December 25, 2005; tells about the controversy over whether the Quaid-e-Azam envisaged Pakistan to develop into an Islamic or secular state, the collapse of the 1857 resistance, treatment of minorities, his effective speeches, the dangers to Pakistan and his concept of a Nation. By reading all the above mentioned biographies and articles, I want to share the information I gathered, his qualities, efforts and most amazingly zero level of weaknesses, my views about the strengths and accurate behavior of this great leader. Early Life: Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25th, 1876, to a mercantile family in Karachi. He got his early education at the Sindh Madrassat-ul-Islam and the Christian Mission School. He joined the Lincolns Inn in 1893 and became the youngest Indian to be called to the Bar. After three years, he became most famous lawyer in Bombay. In 1905, he entered politics from the platform of the Indian National Congress. As a member of a congress delegation, he went to England in that year to plead the cause of Indian self-governemnt during the British elections. By forming a political group called the Muslim League, he got us a freedom. Talking to all the Muslims around in the sub-continent at that time, he said, We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law, we are a nation. (7) Political Career: In January 1910, Quaid-e-Azam was elected to the newly-constituted Imperial Legislative Council. He was probably the most powerful voice in the cause of Indian freedom rights all through his parliamentary career. Jinnah was also the first Indian to pilot a private members Bill through the Council and soon became a leader of a group inside the legislature. Strong Beliefs: For almost three decades since his entry into politics in 1906, Jinnah strongly believed in Hindu-Muslim unity. The Hindu leader before Gandhi, Gokhale, had once said of him, He has the true stuff in him and that freedom from all sectarian prejudice which will make him the best ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity. (8) And he did become the architect of Hindu-Muslim Unity, he was the one who was responsible for the Congress-League Pact of 1916, known as Lucknow Pact; the only pact ever signed between the two political organizations, the Congress and the All-India Muslim League, the two major communities in the subcontinent. Key Roles: The Lucknow Pact showed a milestone in the evolution of Indian politics. It conceded Muslims the right to separate electorate, reservation of seats in the legislatures and weightage in the representation both at the Centre and the minority provinces, thus binding the trend towards Muslim individuality in Indian politics. All the credit for this goes to Jinnah. Thus, by 1917, Jinnah came to be recognized among both Hindus and Muslims as one of Indias most outstanding political leaders. He was very prominent in the Congress and the Imperial Legislative Council as he was the President of the All India Muslim and that of the Bombay Branch of the Home Rule League. More importantly, because of his very special role in the Congress League agreement at Lucknow, he was hailed as the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity. Great Impact: In 1940, the formulation of the Muslim demand for Pakistan had a great impact on the course of Indian politics. It shattered forever the Hindu dreams of Indian, in fact, Hindu empire on British exit from India. The reaction of the Hindus was quick and bitter too. The British were equally hostile to the Muslim demand, their hostility having stemmed from their belief that the unity of India was their main achievement and their foremost contribution. The irony was that both the Hindus and the British had not anticipated the strong response that the Pakistan demand had elicited from the Muslim masses. Hence, they failed to know how a hundred million people had amazingly become so much conscious of their distinct nationhood and their destiny. In monitoring the course of Muslim politics towards Pakistan, none played a more prominent role than did Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It was only his advocacy of the case of Pakistan and it was his remarkable strategy in the delicate negotiations that followed the formulation of the Pakistan demand, particularly in the post-war period, that made Pakistan inevitable. Limitless Struggle and Efforts: In subsequent years, however, he felt dismayed at the involvement of violence in the politics. Jinnah really felt that political terrorism was not the way to the national liberation but, the dark route to disaster and destruction. Hence Jinnah could not possibly, countenance Mohandas Karamchand Gandhis novel methods of Civil Disobedience and the triple boycott of government aided schools and colleges, courts and councils and British textiles. Earlier, in October 1920, when Gandhi, having been elected President of the Home Rule League, tried to change its constitution as well as its nomenclature, Jinnah had resigned from the Home Rule League, saying: Your extreme program has for the moment struck the imagination mostly of the inexperienced youth and the ignorant and the illiterate. All this means disorganization and chaos. (9) Required Behavior: In the growing frustration among the masses caused by colonial rule, there was strong cause for extremism. Jinnah felt that it might lead to the building up of resentment, but nothing constructive. Hence, he opposed the tactics adopted by Gandhi to exploit the Khilafat and wrongful tactics in the Punjab in the early twenties. On the eve of its adoption of the Gandhian program, Jinnah warned the Nagpur Congress Session (1920): You are making a declaration (of Swaraj) and committing the Indian National Congress to a program, which you will not be able to carry out, (10). He felt that there was no short-cut to independence and that Gandhis constitutional methods could only lead to political terrorism, lawlessness and chaos, without bringing India nearer to freedom. Although Jinnah left the Congress soon thereafter but he continued his efforts towards bringing about a Hindu-Muslim unity. However, because of the huge distrust between the two communities as evidenced by the country-wide communal riots, and because the Hindus failed to meet the right demands of the Muslims, his efforts came to zero. One such effort was the formulation of the Delhi Muslim Proposals in March, 1927. Jinnah argued in vain at the National convention (1928): What we want is that Hindus and Muslims should march together until our object is achieved. These two communities have got to be reconciled and united and made to feel that their interests are common, (11). The Conventions blank refusal to accept Muslim demands represented the setback to Jinnahs passionate efforts to bring about Hindu-Muslim unity, it meant the last straw for the Muslims, and the parting of the ways for him, as he confessed to a Parsee friend at that time. Jinnahs disillusionment at the course of politics in the subcontinent made him to migrate and settle down in London in the early thirties. He returned to India in 1934, at the pleadings of his co-religionists, and did assume their leadership. But then the Muslims presented a sad spectacle at that time. They were a mass of dissatisfied and demoralized people, politically disorganized program. To get the Muslim people freedom, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah played a big role. He was the only Muslim to stand up and rally all the Muslims together so they could have their freedom on Aug. 14, 1947. Great Thoughts and Sayings of Quaid-e-Azam: We can look to the future with robust confidence provided we do not relax and fritter away our energies in internal dissensions. There was never a greater need for discipline and unity in our ranks. It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality. (Mohammed Ali Jinnah) (12) My message to you all is of hope, courage and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation. (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) (13) We are now all Pakistanisnot Baluchis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, and Punjabis and so onand as Pakistanis we must feet behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else. (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) (14) We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play. (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) (15) Come forward as servants of Islam organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody. (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) (15) The Quaids Last Message: With a sense of great satisfaction at the completion of his mission that Jinnah told the nation in his last message on 14 August, 1948: The foundations of your State have been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly and as well as you can, (16). In accomplishing the task he had taken upon himself on the morrow of Pakistans birth, Jinnah had worked himself to death. Result: The Quaid e Azam is admired by all political parties as well as by the army in Pakistan. He was a tremendous leader whose first preference was to give special status for the Muslim League within a united India as being the sole representative of the Muslim community. This was unacceptable to the Congress which had been quite secular in its outlook and had leaders from all the many religions. The Quaid-e-Azam was an accomplished lawyer and a magnificent negotiator. He used the threat of creating Pakistan as a stick if his demands were not met. After getting Pakistan, he wanted it to be a secular state but unfortunately he died within a year of its creation. As a result, religious forces quickly adopted a resolution making Pakistan an Islamic republic and introduced a basis for subsequent misuse for intolerant agendas of some of its most influential leaders. Conclusions: That is why I really admire him. He is a hero to everyone in my country because of what he did for our country and for the Muslims. He fought so much for Pakistan and he did so much for us that no one can ever forget. He is a great freedom hero for me. In all his speeches given in whatever little time he had, it paved way for all to see and to learn how Pakistan should develop its economic and foreign policies, how to protect rights of the minorities, based on justice and fairness, a society set on the principles of Islam, where all will be able to take part to its success and progression but we all forgot within the months of his departure. It is still time for Pakistanis to wake up and to follow the spirit of its founder to bring back this country to its feet. All the challenges we face, all the resistance we face amongst ourselves and from outside can be removed if we could only understand Jinnah and his life and know the mechanics in creation of a country that became second largest Muslim country in 20th century. But this was not to happen as we forgot our very own sacrifices, our very own people and our very own founder Jinnah. Instead of following his vision; we followed our instincts based on greed and promotion of values against all what he made and created. We forgot Jinnah and have turned Jinnah into just a mere symbol. It is his words; it is his life which should be lived in all of us. We have betrayed him in last sixty one years. It is still time to appreciate and to bring that spirit back in Pakistan and in all of Pakistanis, and we have to forget these differences that we have created. We must become more understanding and tolerant of each other and work together. It is this task that is the need of the time and our major responsibility. Remember a young boy, age of seventeen, arriving at Southampton. Remember a person who learnt all the important ways of life in those dull and depressing months of winter. Remember that person who once walked near river Thames, asking himself what a change means and how it can be brought. Even Jinnah had no idea what so ever at that time but he learnt that studying Law will take him so far but he never thought that one day he will fight in a way no one had done it ever before. One day he will fight for the hopes of millions. He took stand against Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Mountbatten and the whole British Empire. But he fought well with both his mind and words and took intelligent actions to turn this dream into reality. It is now up to us as individuals and as a society and as leaders of this Pakistan to understand the cause and all what it took. It is this man Mohammed Ali Jinnah who became in the process our Quaid-e-Azam, the founder of Pakistan. It is this man, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Quaid-e-Azam, a man for all seasons we owe our lives to and to Pakistan.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

In today's society, a certain type of look can be the explanation on how and why someone gets noticed for a modeling contract or a movie role. In this century, everything is better, gaudier, and much more enchanting than before so why would women not want to be the girl on television who has everything she desired? These women, depending on their looks, can play a variety of roles on television; the villain, the geek, the social climber, and the girl next door. But what do they all have in common? Their beauty. These women that are seen on television are gorgeous, skinny, and mainly Caucasian. When we see these different types of women on the screen, we attempt to emulate them and the television shows know this because it boosts their ratings. Honestly, how many people will continue to watch a show where it was about someone's life and it wasn't successful because of the way the leading lady looked like? On the other hand, the female stereotypes continue to go on in the media we wi tness every day. The media's representation of women plays a significant role on the effects of self esteem and body image issues. When you watch television, you see women selling everything from clothes to cars because of their body image. The portrayal of women as sex symbols has been around for a very long time. But, what was considered as 'attractive' has changed. Take Marilyn Monroe as an example. She was, and still is considered, one of the biggest sex symbols of the past generation, but she "wore a dress size fourteen" (Gender Roles and the Media) while the models of this generation who are over a size five are considered plus-size. Saying what being beautiful is can make people do extreme things to be what the media considers acceptable. Th... ...but women are now the super moms, the CEO's of a major corporation. Women as a whole are clearly ditching the dainty housewife look and are now entering the workforce head on. Women's role in the media are undoubtedly changing just like in everyday life. Television shows have to be relatable to their audience. So if their audience is a woman in her 30's-40's, it makes sense for the show to have a working mother as the main character. Even though there have been developments made in the media, there are still many negative characteristics concerning women's role in the media. Gender roles still take place in the media. For example, when you see commercials it is principally middle-aged women trying to sell you cleaning products but men can be seen promoting things like beer and sports cars. It's just a subliminal message to show us where our roles are in society.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Red Scare :: essays research papers

Analysis of the Red Scare "The tumult and the shouting dies, The captains and the kings depart." -Kipling, The Recessional Mr. Kipling was wrong. War does not always end with the last cry on the battlefield. World War I certainly did not. After the war formally ended on November 18, 1918, there was an ideological war still going on in the US. An ideological war which prompted mass paranoia and caused, among many other things, what would be known as the Red Scare, which began in 1919 and ended in 1921. Red Scare was the label given to the actions of legislation, the race riots, and the hatred and persecution of "subversives" and conscientious objectors during that period of time. It is this hysteria which would find itself repeated several decades later in history when Senator Joeseph R. Macarthy accused high government officials and high standing military officers of being communist. Undoubtedly the most important topic of an investigation into a historical occurrence is its inception. What caused the Red Scare? At the heart of the Red Scare was the conscription law of May 18, 1917, which was put in place during World War I for the armed forces to be able to conscript more Americans. This law caused many problems for the conscientious objector to WWI, because for one to claim that status, one had to be a member of a "well-recognized" religious organization which forbade their members to participation in war. did Quaker relief work in Europe. 500 suffered court-martial, and out As a result of such unyeilding legislation, 20,000 conscientious objectors were inducted into the armed forces. Out of these 20,000, 16,000 changed their minds when they reached military camps, 1300 went to non-combat units, 1200 gained furloughs to do farm work, and 100 of these, 450 went to prison. However, these numbers are small in comparison with the 170,000 draft dodgers and 2,810,296 men who were inducted into the armed forces. Nevertheless, the conscientious objectors were targeted in the Red Scare after the war. They were condemned as cowards, pro-German socialists, although that was not everything. They were also accused of spreading propaganda throughout the United States. Very few conscientious objectors stood up for themselves. Roderick Siedenberg, who was a conscientious objector, wrote that "to steal, rape, or murder" are standard peacetime causes for imprisonment, but in time of war "too firm a belief in the words of Christ", and "too ardent a faith in the brotherhood of man" are more acceptable.